Guidelines for Organising Woking Leisure Centre 50+ Club walks

These guidelines were produced so that Woking Leisure Centre 50+ Club can be shown to organise safe walks. They are based on those produced by the Rambler’s Association, Walk for Health Bristol and Walking For Health.

Obviously they are guidelines only and should be varied to take into account specific conditions of each walk, bearing in mind the principle that all such walks must be as safe as possible.

Electronic versions of these documents can be found on the Walks Risk Assessment page of the club’s website at

Walks Coordinator (This is currently Hilary Thomas)

At least two months prior to a walk date appoint a walk leader who is happy to lead a walk. Be prepared to find and use a substitute leader if this proves necessary.

Ensure that the walk leader is familiar with these guidelines and discuss with the walk leader the number of walkers that will be permitted to join the walk.

Publish the information sheet produced by the walk leader three or four weeks prior to the walk.

When publishing the sheet:

  • Emphasise that the number of attendees has to be limited to 30, or whatever has been decided with the walk leader.
  • State that attendees must pre-book a place on the walk with the Walks Coordinator.
  • Emphasise that if they or any of their family have any Covid-19 symptoms or any other infectious disease then they should not attend and that they should notify the Walks Coordinator if such symptoms develop before or after the walk.
  • Emphasise that all walkers should be suitably equipped for the weather and conditions underfoot.
  • Emphasise that all those taking part in the walk do so completely at their own risk and that no liability will attach to the club, its officers or any other members.

Keep a record of the contact details of those that attended the walk after the walk.

Walk Leader

Decide on a route for a walk:

  • Find a route that is about five miles for a daytime walk (10:00 to 13:00) or three miles for an evening walk (17:00 to 19:00).
  • Ensure there is suitable parking at the start.
  • Ensure that there is a reasonable area for a coffee stop on a daytime walk that enables social distancing to be maintained.
  • Ensure that the walk is not too strenuous for the club’s members bearing in mind that most participants are over 70 years old.

About six weeks before the walk date:

  • Walk the route to check it is OK.
  • Count the number of stiles – try to keep this low.
  • Make a note of any short cuts or particularly narrow paths.
  • Do a risk assessment (see the Woking Leisure Centre 50+ Club Walk Risk Assessment Guidance and the Woking Leisure Centre 50+ Club Walk Risk Assessment Form (MS Doc or PDF). Plan on taking this on the walk. It should be signed and given to the Walks Coordinator after the walk.
  • Draw up a walk information sheet which should be similar to previous walk sheets (see the example sheet here). Add any notes/warnings etc. that the risk assessment has indicated should be included. Emphasise that a meal after the walk is not part of it.
  • Pass the walk information sheet as a Word Document file to the Walks Coordinator for publication.

Near the date of the walk:

  • Walk the route again to check it is still OK.
  • Prepare some notes for making a ‘safety announcement’ at the start of the walk. This should include any information required by the assessment process and be similar to:
    • I need to make a number of safety announcements, many of which you will think are obvious, but please pay attention.
    • If you are showing any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other infectious disease please go home now and get yourself checked out and let Hilary know the result.
    • If you show any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other infectious disease in the next week please get yourself checked out and let Hilary know the result.
    • At all times, and especially when walking and waiting for others, please ensure you socially distance, i.e. stay at least two meters (six feet) apart from each other and any others we meet on the walk.
    • We will walk along some paths that are quite narrow in places - we need to be especially careful there.
    • The walk is mainly level and on footpaths but we need to be especially careful when crossing the four main roads and the two railway level crossings.
    • The coffee stop will be about halfway round, on Shalford Common.

If you or any of your family gets any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other infectious disease before the walk, please let the Walks Coordinator know and withdraw from leading the walk.

On the day of the walk:

  • Ensure that you have the following with you:
    • Face mask or covering, for wearing if necessary
    • Gloves, for wearing if necessary
    • Mobile phone
    • First Aid Kit
    • Some water
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Hi-vis jacket, if necessary.
  • Check the names on the pre-booked list of attendees and amend as necessary.
  • Make the safety announcement at the start of the walk.
  • Point out any hazards on the walk as they occur.
  • Be vigilant all the time and especially when on or crossing roads.
  • Ensure that all walkers are socially distancing but not getting left behind.

After the walk:

  • Give the Walks Coordinator a signed completed Risk Assessment sheet with a correct list of all those who attended the walk.

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